
About Us

Believing faith speaks. 2 Corinthians 4:13 says, “And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written. ‘I believed and therefore I spoke,’ we also believe and therefore speak.” Believing Faith is a blog for individuals who have a desire to increase their faith in God.

Hello, my name is Eric Dunbar. I used crack cocaine for twelve years. But in 1993, God miraculously delivered me from the diabolic chains of addiction. I believe it is important that we know what we believe and why we believe it. That’s why I created Believing Faith Blog, because faith not only believes, it also speaks.

When we trust God it guarantees that God’s promises and Biblical revelations are true. We cannot detect these revelations and promises with our physical senses. However, by trusting God, we have the certitude that our expectations will come to pass. Faith is the tangible quintessence that the things we hope for become so concrete that even belief itself becomes a definitive reality of those things that are not yet visible. Your faith becomes so tangible that you actually believe you possess those things in the spiritual realm.

Faith trusts God unconditionally. It does not see what is; faith does not see the current conditions, but rather faith sees what it wants the current conditions to be. If you believe, you will speak, and then act on what you believe.

I pray that Believing Faith will help you build confidence in God by motivating you to have the kind of faith that not only believes, but speaks what it believes that you may manifest your hopes into the physical dimension.